Together, Endless Horizons.
On 177 acres, Lakeview Village fulfills the vision of a transformative, sustainable community. Perfectly situated, Harbourwalk offers its residents easy access to waterfront, woodland and the community's dynamic districts.

Play By The Water's Edge
A brilliantly designed waterfront with bountiful space for water sports, hiking, relaxing, taking in a concert, watching fireworks and exploring outdoor markets.

Savour The Breezes Dockside
Summer days were made for leisurely lakeside picnics, sitting out in the sun as the gentle lapping of water sooths the soul. And it's just as relaxing to take a walk through all the beautiful trails.

The Heart of Things
A hotel, homes, restaurants, shops, maker spaces, and outdoor performance stages all coming together in a vibrant scene.

Easy Travel, East & West
Catch the bus to the Long Branch GO Station, from where it's only two stops to Union Station. Or take the bus west to Hurontario Street and connect to Square One Shopping Centre.

Connecting The Green
A river of green running through the centre of Lakeview Village, Ogden Park is a series of parks seamlessly interconnected by pedestrian walkways.

Four Seasons Of Fun
In the winter, Waterway Common will be skating rink. In the summer, a scenic water feature connected to a channel of the Marina to the west and the Innovation Corridor to the east.

The Future Of Work Starts Here
Flexible, contemporary office space with a focus on future-forward industries. Here, residents and travelers alike will come together to work on the newest developments in business.

Contact Us
From answering quick questions to in-person appointments, we’re here to help.